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Phenolic composition and antioxidant capacity of Cherry laurel (Laurocerasus officinalis Roem.) sampled from Trabzon region, Turkey

FY Karahalil
H Şahin


In this study, we investigated 17 different phenolic constituents and total antioxidant properties of cherry laurel, Laurocerasus officinalis Roem (family Rosaceae), locally named karayemis or taflan, a summer fruit highly characteristic of the Black Sea region. Phenolic constituents were measured by reverse phase-high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Total phenolic compounds, total flavonoids, ferric reducing /antioxidant power (FRAP), cupric ion reducing capacity (CUPRAC) and 2,2- diphenly-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical methods were used to evaluate the antioxidant capacity. The total phenolics and total flavonoids were found to be 1.094 g GAE/100 g DW and 0.080 g QUE/100 g DW, respectively. Chlorogenic acid was found, that is, the main phenolic component of the methanolic extract of the fruit. Gallic, protocatechuic acid, p-OH benzoic acid, chlorogenic acid, vanillic acid, pcoumaric acid, ferulic, syringic, cathechin and rutin were detected in the samples, while caffeic acid, benzoic acid, o-coumaric acid, abscisic acid, trans-cinnamic acid, epicathecin and quercetin were not detected. The results indicate that cherry laurel fruits proved to be a good source of antioxidant that might serve to protect humans from several diseases.

Key words: Cherry laurel, phenolics, flavonoids, antioxidant

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1684-5315