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Effect of explant age, hormones on somatic embryogenesis and production of multiple shoot from cotyledonary leaf explants of Solanum trilobatum L.

VNC Dhavala
RD Tejeswara
VR Yechuri
K Prabavathi


The present study examines the effect of explant age and various concentrations of kinetin and BAP on somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis in Solanum trilobatum L. MS medium fortified with 11.1 ìM BAP + 13.95 ìM KN produced highest frequency of embryogenesis (97.3%) and average number of multiple shoots (48.4 ± 1.33) from cotyledonary leaf explants at two opened leaves stage. The presence
of BAP and/or KN was critical in increasing embryos and multiple shoots per explant with its increasing concentrations which was also supported from significant positive corrilation (p < 0.05). It was also
observed that embryogenic and organogenic response was significantly affected by explant type in all concentrations of BAP and KN alone as well as in combinations (P < 0.01). Rooting of shoots occurred
on half strength MS medium supplemented with 7.35 and 9.8 ìM IBA respectively. The rooted plantlets were well accomplished with a survival frequency of 86.5 ± 5%. Moreover, there were no phenotypic
differences observed between the in vitro regenerated and in vivo plantlets.

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eISSN: 1684-5315
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