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Effect of biosurfactant from two strains of Pseudomonas on germinating seedlings of Cicer arietinum L and Phaseolus mungo Roxb.

M Deka
K Das


Two Pseudomonas strains isolated from oil-contaminated soil which produce biosurfactant were studied. The biosurfactant containing broth formed stable emulsions with liquid light paraffin, cooking medium vegetable oil and toluene. The strains under study produce extra cellular biosurfactant in the
culture media. Biosurfactant was extracted from the culture broth by acetone-HCl precipitation. Critical micelle concentration (CMC) of biosurfactant from Pseudomonas sp I and Pseudomonas sp II were found to be 120 and 140 mg/l, respectively. The biosurfactants from the two species were found to have no effects on germinating seedlings of Phaseolus mungo Roxb and Cicer arietinum L when treated at concentration 1, 2, 5 and 10%, suggesting a potential use in surfactant aided bioremediation and for even distribution of fertilizers and pesticides in agricultural sector. This is the first report on effect of biosurfactant on total length proliferation of germinating seedlings.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1684-5315