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The relative contribution of overstocking and selective grazing to the degeneration of tall grassveld in Natal

Tainton NM


Overstocking has for long been blamed for the deterioration of South African grasslands and, in the Tall Grassveld of Natal, it certainly leads to rapid deterioration of both herbage production and species composition. In this veld type, however, selective grazing also has a profound effect on species composition in that it encourages the encroachment of Aristida junciformis, a species which is largely avoided by animals and therefore contributes little to animal production.

Keywords: overstockings|selective grazing|degenerations|tall grasses|veld|KwaZulu Natal Province|grazing|herbage production|species compositions|veld types|encroaching species|grasslands|grasses|tall grassvelds (ill)

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-9380
print ISSN: 1022-0119