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The application of various chemicals to cuts made in the stem bases of <i>Brachystegia spiciformis</i> (Benth.) Troupin and <i>Terminalia sericea</i> Burch. ex DC

WR Teague
Diane M Killilea


Picloram-potassium and various mixtures of picloram with 2,4-D amine, 2,4,5-T ester alone were injected into incisions made in the cambium of standing Brachystegia spiciformis and Julbernadia globiflora trees. Each arboriciade was tested at a range of application rates, at different times of the year and at three different sites fir each species. Picloram potassium and 2,4,5-T ester were also tested on Terminalia sericea trees. Glyphosphate, MCPA, mixtures of mecoprop and 2,4,5T amine and different mixtures of 2,4-T ester with 2,4,5-T ester, cacodylic acid and Tandex were tested on B. spiciformis and J. globiflora trees at one site and only in January. Arboricides containing picloram, with or without the addition of 2,4-D or 2,4,5-T, were the most effective chemicals for the control for trees. Higher applications rates were required to kill B. spiciformis and J. globiflora between May and October when they were not actively growing. T. sericea trees were susceptible to arboricide treatment throughout the year. The response of individual trees to treatment with arboricides appears to be related to size.

Picloram-kalium en verskillende mengsels met picloram met 2,4-D amien, 2,4,5-T ester of amien, of 2,4,5-T ester alleenlik is in snitte wat in die kambium van Brachystegia spiciformis en Julbernardia globiflora bome gemaak is, ingespuit. Elke boomonkruiddoder is teen 'n reeks van toedieningsvlakke op verskillende tye van die jaar en op drie verskillende persele vir elke spesie, getoets. Picloram-kalium en 2,4,5-T ester is ook op Terminalia sericea bome getoets. Glyphosphate, MCPA, mengsel van mecoprop en 2,4,5-T amien en verskeie mengsels van 2,4-D ester met 2,4,5-T ester, cacodylic suur en Tandex is op B. spiciformis end J. globoflora bome op een perseel en slegs in Januarie, getoets. Boomonkruiddoder me tpicloram, sonder of met addisionele 2,4-D of 2,4,5-T, was die mees doeltreffende chemikalië vir die beheer van bome gewees. Hoër toedieningsvlakke was nodig om B. spiciformis en J. globiflora tussen Mei en Oktober, wanneer hulle nie in 'n aktiewe groeifase is nie, te dood. T. sericea bome was gevoelig vir boomonkruiddoder dwarsdeur die jaar. Die reaksie van alleenstaande bome op behandeling met boomonkruiddoder is verwant aan boomgrootte.

Keywords: arboricides, bush control, cacodylic acid, glyphosphate, mecoprop, MCPA, picloram, stem injection, Tandex, 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T

Journal of the Grassland Society of southern Africa 7(2):116–124

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-9380
print ISSN: 1022-0119