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Research note:

Grazing-index method procedures of vegetation surveys

PCV du Toit


In the past, veld condition in the Karoo was assessed using the ecological index methods. This recently changed to the graxing-index method on account of the of the differently estimated grazing-index values being used. The principles governing the method of survey remain the same. The method employs canopy-spread-cover strikes to record the species composition of different sites. By appropriate management of these line point data, different sites can be compared with one another by emplying the Z-index of agreement(similarity).

Keywords: botany; canopy spread cover; grazing-index method; index of agreement; line-point survey method; method; procedure; South Africa; vegetation survey; z-index

African Journal of Range and Forage Science 14 (3): 107–110

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-9380
print ISSN: 1022-0119