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Effect of enzyme additives on kikuyu silage quality.

de Figueiredo M.C.V.


Chopped kikuyu grass of low digestibility and low in non-structural carbohydrates was treated with three commercial enzyme preparations, namely, Celluclast, SP 249 and Silo Guard II. These enzymes were added to the kikuyu prior to ensiling in laboratory silos with a capacity of 1 kg. Illustrates with tables; Chopped kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) grass of low digestibility and low in non-structural carbohydrates was treated with three commercial enzyme preparations, namely, Celluclast, SP 249 and Silo Guard II. These enzymes were added to the kikuyu prior to ensiling in laboratory silos with a capacity of 1 kg. After 120 days, silage was removed and analysed for different chemical parameters to evaluate silage fermentation characteristics and changes in digestibility. Under the experimental conditions, the addition of Celluclast improved (P < 0.01) the fermentation characteristics of kikuyu silage relative to the control. No significant improvement was observed from the addition of SP 249 and Silo Guard II relative to the respective controls. None of the additives tested succeeded in improving kikuyu silage digestibility in vitro.Language: English

Keywords: Amylase; Cellulase; Dry matter digestibility; Ensiling process; Hemicellulase; Nitrogen compounds; Pennisetum clandestinum; pH; TNC; Total non-structural carbohydrates; VFA; Volatile fatty acids; digestibility; kikuyu; silage; quality; carbohydrates; ensiling; fermentation; grasses; enzymes; south africa

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-9380
print ISSN: 1022-0119