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Short Communication:

A technique to quantify available above-ground phytomass of grass tufts in defoliation studies.

Jordaan J.J.
Rethman N.F.G.
Pieterse P.A.


A technique to quantify available above-ground phytomass of grass tufts in defoliation studies is described. Highly significant correlations were found between tuft volume and above-ground phytomass in eighteen out of twenty-two species that were examined. Tuft volume can therefore be used to calculate the above-ground phytomass of a tuft. This can then be used to obtain a more objective description of utilization. The determination of the relative percentage utilization is based on the percentage material removed from a known amount.

Keywords: above-ground phytomass; defoliation; grasses; growth form; leaf distribution; percentage utilization; phytomass; standing matter availability; technique; tufts; utilization

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-9380
print ISSN: 1022-0119