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Antibacterial Screening Of Aegle marmelos, Lawsonia inermis And Albizzia libbeck

K Sudharameshwari
J Radhika


Three medicinal plant Aegle marmelos, Lawsonia inermis, Albizzia libbeck were extracted by soxhlet apparatus using petroleum ether, ethanol, chloroform and aqueous as solvent. Among those extract, the petroleum ether was considered as effective one. The extracts were subjected to preliminary phytochemical screening and the three plants with four extracts were tested against three Gram positive bacteria (B.cereus, B.subtilis, S. aureus) and three Gram negative bacteria (E.coli, P.vulgaris, and P.aeruginosa) by disc diffusion method. Maximum inhibition (3.8cm) was recorded in Lawsonia inermis. It also showed inhibitory action against all the six pathogen tested. The zone of inhibition of the extracts was compared with the standard antibiotics Streptomycin and Spectinomycin. The study suggests that the plant is promising the development of phytomedicine for antimicrobial properties.

Keywords: Antibacterial activity, Aegle marmelos, Lawsonia inermis, Albizzia libbeck

African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines Vol. 4 (2) 2007: pp. 199-204

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0189-6016