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Replacement of Fishmeal with Achatina Fulica Snail Meal in the Diets of Rabbits

KJN Ndamukong
BN Ndoping
RN Esong


The nutritive value and utilization of Achatina fulica snail meal was assessed using thirty gestating rabbits fed up to weaning of kits, and 100 weaned rabbits (fryers) fed for 4 weeks. Diets were formulated to contain 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60% replacement of fishmeal with snail meal in diets 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Diet had a significant effect (p<0.05) on the reproductive and growth parameters. Gestation length was shortest (31.5 days) for rabbits on diet 5 and longest (32.2 days) for those on diet 3. Litter size at weaning was highest for rabbits on diet 5(7.5 kits/doe) and lowest (4.6 kits/doe) for those on diet 3. Mean kit weight at birth was highest (54.8 g) for rabbits on diet 3 and lowest (45.8 g) for those on diet 5. Mean kit weight at weaning was highest (246.1 g) for rabbits on diet 3 and lowest (177.4 g) for those on diet 2. Mean daily fryer feed intake on the other hand was highest (37.5 g/day) for fryers on diet 1 and least (31.0 g/day) for those on diet 4. Fryers on diet 1 had the highest mean daily fryer weight gain (13.7 g/day), while those on diet 5 had the lowest (8.7 g/day). These results indicate that Achatina fulica snail meal could replace 60 and 30% of fishmeal in the diets of gestating rabbits and growing rabbits respectively.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0794-4721