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Plantar dermatoglyphic features of the Urhobos of southern Nigeria

PS Igbigbi
BC Didia


Objective: To establish the dermatoglyphic features of the Urhobos of southern Nigeria.
Design: Cross sectional study of randomly selected Urhobo subjects.
Setting: Department of Anatomy, College of Health Sciences, Univeristy of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, southern Nigeria.
Main outcome: Plantar and digital pattern types were determined and Dankmeijer's (Dl) and pattern intensity (P11) indices were calculated.
Results: Males showed greater pattern types than females except in loops and whorls of the digits, where females showed grealrr numbers than males. The pattern intensity index was higher in females than in males. What appears characteristic to this group however, was the presence of few whorl distribution in the small tw in female subjerk which was absent in male subjects.
Conclusion: This study thus provide normal dermatoglyphic features for the Uchobos of Southern Nigeria and also highlighted possible distinguishing dermatoglyphic difference between the Ibos and Urhohos of Southern Nigeria.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0012-835X