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Utilization of plant medicine for the treatment of health problems: The case of the Oromo of Chora District, Illubabor Zone, Western Ethiopia

Migissa Kaba



A four-months exploratory study was conducted among the Oromo of Chora district, Illubabor Zone, Western Ethiopia, with the aim of identifying prevalent health problems, dispositions about causes and treatments with specific emphasis paid to the use of plants as sources of medicine. Data were collected from both elder members of the community and local healers by using anthropological methods such as systematic observation, case studies and responses from key informants to obtain pertinent information. Descriptive analysis was the basic mode of data analysis employed. From the study, it was found that the community attributed causes of health problems to a supernatural force (Waqa or Rabby) who is believed to control the day-to-day human life processes. Consequent to such beliefs, recourse is made to local healers who are believed to have been given knowledge and skill for the treatment of health problems by using, among other things, plants as medicine. Some health problems including afuura lafaa (problem related to vapor from the earth), sabata waaqayyo (problem encountered from urinating by facing belt of waaqaa), shimbo (jaundice), dhukuba dhiira (gonorrhoea in men) were found to prevail in the community . These problems are often treated by employing locally available resources. It was pointed out that many people claim to know the use of plant medicines for the treatment of specific health problems. However, the processes of collecting, preparing and administering plant medicines follow certain procedures that are mesttised to few people. In general, plants were found to serve important function in the health care of communities of Chora district. The scientific validity of these remedies, however, needs further investigation. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 1996;10(3):161-166]

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eISSN: 1021-6790
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