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Variability of cardiovascular responses to hypercapnia in Man

Yoseph A. Mengesha


This study attempted to assess the presence of missed opportunity for tetanus toxoid immunization using a Community and Family Survey (CFS) data collected in the five densely populated zones of the SNNPR. The study established the existence of a true missed opportunity for tetanus toxoid immunization among antenatal clients after examining the data for possible sources of biases. A bivariate and multivariate analysis using logistic regression model suggested the absence of both recall and life long protection biases in the data. Accordingly, 11.6% of the women represented a true missed opportunity for tetanus toxoid immunization in the study area. The level of missed opportunity was found to be about 13% in the rural area as compared to only 4% in the urban parts of the study area. Missed opportunity was also high among those women who initiated antenatal visit in their third trimester of pregnancy and those women who had only one visit in the whole course of pregnancy. In the light of the findings, in-depth operational studies are recommended to better understand the reasons behind missed opportunity for tetanus immunization in the study area.

(Ethiopian Journal of Health Development, 2000, 14(2): 135-142)

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eISSN: 1021-6790
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