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Blood, carcass and organ measurements as influenced by Aspergillus Niger treated cassava waste in the diets of West African dwarf Goat (WAD)

MA Belewu
NO Jimoh


Effects of feeding Aspergillus treated cassava wastes on haematological values, organs and carcass measurements of West African dwarf goats (WAD) were determined. Twelve West African dwarf goats (weighing between 2.8 and 5.4kg) in a completely randomized design (CRD) model with 56d periods consumed diets A (untreated cassava waste, 40%) and Aspergillus treated cassava wastes thus : diets B (20%), C (30%) and D (40%) ad libituni. With the exception of the neutrophil and lymphocytes which are significantly different (P<0.05) among treatments (9.25%, 8.20%26.00%, 17.50% and 90.75% 92.00% 74.00% and 97.50% for control diets (A), B, C, and D respectively). Other, haematological indices (Hb, PCV, WBC, MCV MCH, MCHC and EBR ) were similar (P>0.05).Carcass weight and dressing percentage evaluated increased (P>0.05) with Aspergillus treated cassava wastes and was similar P>0.05) among treatments(1.49% control diet A, 2.01% (B), 2.69% (C) and 2.45% (D) and 38.71% control diet (A),44.70% (B) 45.03% (C) and 41.11% (D). The kidney weight was not affected (P>0.05) by the fungus (Aspergillus Niger) and it ranges between 1.12 and 1.24%. The heart weight was 1.58, 1.38, 1.07 and 1.15% for the control (A), diets B, C and D respectively, while the weight of the lungs was numerically greater for D (4.60%) than for diet A (4.02%) however, there was no significant difference among treatments A, B, C and D. In conclusion, the inclusion of Aspergillus treated cassava waste in the diet of ruminant animals may not markedly alter the haematological indices or affects the health of goats, carcass and organ weights of West African dwarf goats.

Keywords: Aspergillus treated cassava waste, goat, blood, carcass and organ parameters

Global Journal of Agricultural Sciences Vol. 4(2) 2005: 125-128

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2992-4499
print ISSN: 1596-2903