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Student nurses' experience of a system of peer group supervision and guidance: research

Diana Du Plessis


Peers are important in self- or group assessment as they provide learners with a useful perspective on their performance. They can do this in ways that are more informal and less threatening in many more circumstances than teachers can (Chabeli, 2001a:13). i0Learning is enhanced through maximising the opportunities for learners to discuss their work with others. The question is, how can the peer group be used most effectively?l. (Boud, 1995:200). A system of peer group supervision and accompaniment for student nurses has been in place at a university in Gauteng, South Africa, since 1989. Up to 1999 the junior students were accompanied in the clinical practice by fourth-year nursing students. The senior student provided the junior learner with valuable learning opportunities whilst simultaneously gaining experience and skills in the process of evaluating another(tm)s practice. During the revision of the curriculum in 1999, the fourth-year students expressed themselves negatively towards peer group guidance, due to practical and other reasons. However, feedback from the first-year students indicated that they experienced the system positively. Recommendations were made to change the system in order to eliminate the negative aspects and after careful consideration and programme changes, implemented in 2001. It therefore became necessary to evaluate the revised system of peer group supervision and guidance for effectiveness. A qualitative, descriptive, explorative and contextual research design was utilised to conduct this research in order to obtain information that would facilitate understanding of the stu- dents(tm) experiences of peer group supervision and guidance within the clinical learning environment. A purpose- ful convenient sampling was done from two populations of student nurses at a specific university in Gauteng. Second- and third-year nursing students were used in the study. Naive sketches were used as a method of data gathering. One central question was asked: is How did you experience the new system of peer group supervision and guidance? ln Focus group interviews were held with both groups to verify the findings and triangulate data. Two themes resulted from the analysis of the naรฏve sketches: positive and negative experiences of peer group supervision and guidance. A literature control was done to verify the results and the experiences were discussed during a focus group in an atmosphere of mutual respect, trust, enthusiasm, empathy and justice. The themes that were identified indicated that certain elements motivated nursing students to participate. Negative elements were identified that could be eliminated. Recommendations for the implementation of a system of peer group supervision and guidance were made.

Portuurgroeplede is belangrik in self- of groepassessering omdat hulle die leerders van nuttige inligting en perspektief oor hulle vordering voorsien. Hulle kan dit doen op wyses wat meer informeel en minder bedreigend is as assessering deur die dosent (Chabeli, 2001a:13). i0Learning is enhanced through maximising the opportu- nities for learners to discuss their work with others. The question is, how can the peer group be used most effectively?li (Boud, 1995:200). 'n Stelsel van portuurgroep-toesighouding en -begeleiding is reeds in plek by 'n universiteit in Gauteng, Suid-Afrika sedert 1989. Tot 1999 is die junior studente in die kliniese praktyk deur vierdejaar- verpleegkundestudente begelei. Die senior studente het die junior studente met waardevolle leergeleenthede toegerus terwyl hulle terselfdertyd vaardighede verkry het in die proses van evaluering van ander persone se kliniese praktykvoering. Tydens die evaluering van die kurrikulum gedurende 1999, het die vierdejaarstudente hulle negatief uitgespreek teenoor portuurgroepbegeleiding, weens praktiese en ander redes. Terugvoer deur die eerstejaarstudente het egter aangedui dat hulle die portuurgroepbegeleiding positief beleef het. Aanbevelings is gemaak om die stelsel te verander om die negatiewe aspekte uit te skakel. Na noukeurige oorweging en programaanpassings, is die nuwe stelsel van portuurgroeptoesighouding en -begeleiding in 2001 geรฏmplementeer. Dit het dus nodig geword om die hersiende stelsel van portuurgroeptoesighouding en -begeleiding te evalueer vir effektiwiteit. 'n Kwalitatiewe, beskrywende, ondersoekende en kontekstuele navorsingsontwerp is gebruik om hierdie navorsing uit te voer. Die doel was om inligting in te samel wat begrip van die student se ervaring van portuurgroeptoesighouding en -begeleiding in die kliniese omgewing sal fasiliteer. 'n Doelgerigte gerieflikheidsteekproef van twee populasies van verpleegkundestudente is van 'n universiteit in Gauteng bekom. Tweedejaar- en derdejaarstudente is in die studie gebruik. Naรฏewe sketse is as metode van data-insameling gebruik. Een sentrale vraag is gevra: ieHoe het u die nuwe stelsel van portuurgroep-toesighouding en -begeleiding beleef?ld Fokusgroeponderhoude is met albei groepe gevoer om die bevindinge te verifieer en die data te trianguleer. Twee temas is uit die analise van die naรฏewe sketse verkry naamlik positiewe en negatiewe ervarings van portuurgroeptoesighouding en -begeleiding. 'n Literatuurkontrole is gedoen om die resultate te verifieer en die belewenisse is met die groepe in 'n atmosfeer van wedersydse vertroue, respek, entoesiasme, empatie en gelykheid bespreek. Die geรฏdentifiseerde temas dui aan dat sekere elemente verpleegkundestudente motiveer om deel te neem. Negatiewe elemente is geรฏdentifiseer wat elimineer kan word. Aanbevelings vir die implementering van 'n stelsel van portuurgroeptoesighouding en -begeleiding is gedoen.

Health SA Gesondheid Vol.9(2) 2004: 67-79

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2071-9736
print ISSN: 1025-9848