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Professional nurses' requests to remove their names from the South African Nursing Council's register, Part 2: research process and results

Valerie J. Ehlers


In this article data obtained from questionnaires, completed by 91 professional nurses who requested their names to be removed from the South African Nursing Council's register for the 2000 registration year, are presented and discussed. The ages, marital status, professional and academic qualifications of these 91 respondents provided background information for interpreting their major reasons for leaving and / or re-entering the nursing profession. Recommendations are provided to address the anticipated depletion of registered nurses, and to increase the number who re-enter the nursing profession in South Africa.

In hierdie artikel word data wat vanaf 91 vraelyste verkry is en deur professionele verpleegkundiges voltooi is wat versoek het dat hulle name van die Suid-Afrikaanse Raad op Verpleging se register verwyder word vir die 2000 registrasiejaar, bespreek. Die ouderdomme, huwelikstatus, professionele en akademiese kwalifkasies van die 91 respondente verskaf agtergrondinligting, waarteen die hoofredes vir hulle uittrede uit en / of hertoetrede tot die verpleegprofessie, vertolk word. Aanbevelings word gedoen om die verwagte uitgedunde geledere van professionele verpleegkundiges aan te spreek, asook wyses waarop die getal wat hertoetree tot die verpleegprofessie in Suid-Afrika verhoog kan word.

Key words: Baby boomers, Migration of nurses, Non-practising nurses, Nurses' turnover, Nursing shortages, Professional re-entry of nurses, Retirement of nurses.

(Health SA Gesondheid: 2003 8(2): 70-82)

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2071-9736
print ISSN: 1025-9848