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A phenomenological investigation of experiences of pregnancy by unmarried adolescents in Maseru: research

Tjoetso V Lehana


The transition to motherhood is accompanied by a number of social and psychological consequences that place pregnant adolescents at risk in terms of later life adjustment. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore and describe the experiences of pregnant unmarried adolescents in the Maseru district and, if necessary, to develop guidelines for an educational and counselling program for them. Pregnant unmarried adolescents, aged 13 to 19 years, from 10 randomly selected clinics in Maseru, were allowed to give detailed descriptions of their experiences with their first pregnancy. The meanings that those experiences had for them were also explored. Sixteen individual phenomenological and two focus group interviews were conducted. Tesch's (1990) method of analysis was used to analyse the data. Results: The respondents reported to have met the confirmation of their pregnancy with a mixture of disbelief, confusion and shame. Data were grouped into four main categories namely emotions, relationships, physical problems and religion. Positive and negative experiences were described. All respondents who were still in school had to drop out. Recommendations included: every pregnant adolescent who comes to the clinic or outpatient department should receive or be referred for counselling. Prenatal education should provide anticipatory guidance related to maternal role issues.

Verskeie sosiale en sielkundige gevolge gaan gepaard met swanger adolessente se oorgang na moederskap en kan latere aanpassing by die lewe bemoeilik. 'n Kwalitatiewe studie is onderneem met die doel om die belewenisse van swanger ongetroude adolessente in Maseru te ondersoek en te beskryf en om, indien nodig, riglyne te ontwikkel vir 'n opvoedkundige- en beradingsprogram vir hierdie adolessente. Swanger, ongetroude adolessente, tussen die ouderdomme van 13-19 jaar, is uit 10 klinieke in Maseru gekies en versoek om 'n gedetailleerde beskrywing van die belewenis van hulle eerste swangerskap te gee. Die betekenis wat hierdie belewenis vir hulle gehad het is ook ondersoek. Sestien individuele fenomenologiese onderhoude en twee fokusgroeponderhoude het plaasgevind. Tesch (1990) se metode van analise is gebruik om die data te analiseer. Resultate: Die proefpersone het gerapporteer dat hulle die bevestiging van hulle swangerskap met 'n kombinasie van ongeloof, verwarring en skaamte beleef het. Die data is in vier hoofkategorieë gegroepeer naamlik emosies, verhoudings, fisieke probleme en geloof. Positiewe en negatiewe ervaringe is beskryf. Al die respondente wat nog op skool was, moes die skool verlaat. Aanbevelings sluit in: elke swanger adolessent wat na die kliniek of afdeling vir buitepasiënte kom moet berading ontvang of vir berading verwys word. Prenatale opvoeding moet voorbereidende leiding ten opsigte van die moederlike rol bied.

Key words: Experiences, Pregnant, Unmarried, Adolescents, Qualitative research design, Trustworthiness, Emotions, Relationships, Physical problems, Religion

(Health SA Gesondheid : interdisciplinary research journal: 2003 8(1): 26-38)

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2071-9736
print ISSN: 1025-9848