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Evaluation of the effect of a computer-based teaching programme (CBTP) on knowledge, problem-solving and learning approach: research

Annemarie Joubert
Marlene Viljoen
Jacobus A Venter
Catharina J. Bester


In the first instance attention is paid to the effect of a computer-based teaching programme (CBTP) on the knowledge, problem-solving skills and learning approach of student nurses. Secondly, the utilisation of a CBTP by respondents is investigated. Highly significant to significant statistical improvement in knowledge took place according to the Wilcoxon's sign rank test and non-parametric confidence intervals for all groups except the control group (practice). Although problem-solving did not reveal statistically significant differences, the marks of the respondents for their post-test did show improvement. In the practice group (oncology wards) no statistically significant change in the learning approach of respondents was found after using the CBTP. Slight differences were, however, found in the different categories of learning approaches (meaning, reproduction, non-academic and strategic).On the whole the multimedia computer centre group (MMC group) made more use of the CBTP than the practice group. The median sessions were 3 (practice) and 12 (MMC). The difference may possibly be ascribed to the fact that the MMC group completed the research under very strictly controlled circumstances. The degree to which the practice group utilised the CBTP may have been due to internal factors such as staff shortage, case loads, and the nursing care needs of patients. It would appear that the CBTP that was developed with the aim of improving knowledge of oncological nursing can, in fact, be effectively used. However, in view of all the results, computer-based teaching is not recommended to be used in isolation to develop specific skills in students, but that it should form part of a combined teaching package.

Eerstens word aandag gegee aan die effek van 'n rekenaargebaseerde onderrigprogram (RGOP) op studentverpleegkundiges se kennis, probleemoplossingsvaardighede en leerbenadering. Tweedens word die benutting van die RGOP deur respondente ondersoek. Hoogs beduidende tot beduidende statistiese verbetering in kennis het volgens die Wilcoxon se teken rangtoets, en nie-parametriese vertrouensintervalle vir al die groepe behalwe die kontrole groep (praktyk) voorgekom. Alhoewel statisties betekenisvolle verskille nie ten opsigte van probleemoplossing voorgekom het nie, het die respondente se punte op hulle posttoetse tog 'n verbetering getoon. In die praktyk is geen statisties beduidende verandering in respondente se leerbenadering na benutting van die RGOP gevind nie. Geringe verskille ten opsigte van die verskillende kategorieë van leerbenaderinge (betekenis, reproduksie, nie-akademies en strategies) is wel gevind. Die multimediarekenaarsentrum groep (MMS groep) het oor die algemeen meer as die praktykgroep van die RGOP gebruik gemaak. Die mediaan sessies was 3 (praktyk) en 12 (MMS). Die verskil wat voorgekom het kan moontlik toegeskryf word aan die feit dat die MMS groep onder baie streng gekontroleerde omstandighede die navorsing voltooi het. Die mate waartoe die praktykgroep die RGOP benut het, kon moontlik deur interne faktore soos byvoorbeeld 'n tekort aan personeel, pasiëntladings, die verpleegsorgbehoeftes van pasiënte veroorsaak gewees het. Dit wil voorkom of die RGOP wat ontwikkel was met die doel om kennis in verband met onkologiese verpleegsorg te verbeter, wel effektief gebruik kan word. Na aanleiding van al die resultate, word egter aanbeveel dat rekenaargebaseerde onderrig nie in isolasie gebruik moet word om bepaalde vaardighede by studente te ontwikkel nie, maar deel van 'n saamgestelde onderrigpakket moet vorm.

(Health SA Gesondheid : interdisciplinary research journal: 2002 7(4): 80-97)

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eISSN: 2071-9736
print ISSN: 1025-9848