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Die kanon in die kanon as hermeneuties-teologiese probleem

G.M.M. Pelser


The canon within the canon as henneneutical-theological problem

Taking as point of departure the diversity, and in many cases the disparity of the canon, this essay agrees with a number of prominent scholars that the canon itself invites and requires priorities and preferences, and consequently its own reduction. It also points out that as a result of this fact and due to hermeneutical and theological presuppositions, theological and ecclesiastical traditions have in practice always operated with some kind of 'canon within the canon'. In view of this the conclusion arrived at, is that when one takes the canon and its problems seriously and perceives it responsibly, one has in principle no other option than to work with a canon within the canon. Although a stance like this has its problems and difficulties and runs the risk of onesidedness and the absolutizing of a particular appropriation, it is self-evidently the most preferable and can and should be effectively checked by the criticism of theological discussion.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2072-8050
print ISSN: 0259-9422