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Prof dr FJ van Zyl as mens, kerkman en godsdiensfilosoof

PJ van der Merwe


Prof Dr FJ van Zyl as person, church personality and philosopher of religion

Professor Francois Jacobus van Zyl (1913-05-06 -) served as Head of the Department of Science of Religion and Missiology, Faculty of Theology (Section: Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk), University of Pretoria, during the period 1960-1978. This article (written by a former student of his and present Head of the same Department) contains a short biography, a discussion of his views on Theology, Science of Religion and Philosophy of Religion, and a bibliography. He is portrayed as a theologian with Barthian convictions, while been influenced by Emil Brunner and to a lesser extent by Hendrik Kraemer also. His primary audience was the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk and his theological activities (especially in the period 1960-1983) must be seen in relation to his influential role in same church.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2072-8050
print ISSN: 0259-9422