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Teologiseríng vir die gesekularíseerde mens

J H Koekemoer


Doing theology for secularised man

One of the problems of theology today is how to tell the story of Jesus to modern man in such a way that he still can belief in God. Paul van Buren tried to make the
gospel comprehensible to modern man by making use of the verification principle of linguistic analysis, and he consequently reduced the whole of the gospel to a single content, that of freedom, around which he them thematised a theology that according to him, should be relevant. By bringing about this reduction he argued
that the gospel should be stripped of all metaphysical content so that it could pass the test of verification and lay claim to truth and reality. Because he argued in
terms of the logic postivism we can not accept his method. But the issue is still on the table namely: How to translate the gospel and the symbols of the church in
such a way that it still can communicate with modern man. On this issue the Dogmatics is still working and by using various methods tries to find answers on this important issue.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2072-8050
print ISSN: 0259-9422