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An evaluation of rehabilitation of Kalare Gangsters in Gombe Metropolis, Nigeria

Ahmad Usman


The study is on An Evaluation of Rehabilitation of Kalare Gangsters in Gombe Metropolis. A total sample of 106 respondents comprising rehabilitated Kalare gangsters, members of the public, community leaders and officers in charge of the Kalare Rehabilitation Programme was drawn using judgemental and purposive sampling techniques. The data of the study were collected using questionnaire and in-depth interviews. The quantitative data were analyzed using tables and simple percentages while the qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. The findings reveal that rehabilitating Kalare Gangsters is better than punishing them as it has given them a sense of direction, guidance and assistance which altogether helped them change their behaviour positively and consequently re-entered the society of Gombe Metropolis as productive members. As a result of this, Kalare acts such as assault, rape, murder, pick-pocketing and shoplifting have reduced drastically, thereby making Gombe Metropolis relatively peaceful. The study recommended that government has to give rehabilitated 'formally' Kalare Gangsters who are now trained Corps Marshals opportunity to further their education to, at least, first degree on courses relevant to their areas of responsibilities. This will help them discharge their responsibilities and give them insight on how they can lead their life accordingly.

Keywords: Evaluation, Rehabilitation, Gang crime, social problem, peer influence, Nigeria

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2734-3316
print ISSN: 1597-9482