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Morphological structure, diversity and abundance of tree species in Owo Forest Reserve, Nigeria

K.D. Salami
A.U. Jibo


Diversity, structure and abundance of tree species at Owo Forest Reserve were established in this study. A hectare was demarcated at well stocked portion of the forest. All living plants within the demarcated area were identified and enumerated. Tree species > 10cm Dbh were also measured. Total of 864 trees belonging to 79 species and 31 families were recorded. The forest is dominated by Caesalpiniaceae, Sapindaceae, Ebenaceae, Sterculiaceae, Papilionaceae, Lecythidaceae and Anacardiaceae. Total basal area and tree volume obtained were 104.35m2ha-1 and 162.47m3ha-1 respectively. The diversity indices are an indication of lesser diverse ecosystem. Shannon-weiner index, evenness, Simpson index, Margalef, Hill 1 and Hill 2 indicies were found to be 3.08, 1.38, 1.05, 8.36, 30.89 and 74.41 respectively. This study provided a baseline for the management of tropical rainforest in Southwestern Nigeria.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2695-236X