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Maize Response to a Synthetic Organic Nitrogen Fertilizer, Poultry Manure and Time of Application in the Guinea Savannah of Nigeria

JO Olofintoye
MO Sunnie-Ododo
V Makinde


Two field experiments were conducted at the Teaching and Research Farm of the University of Ilorin, located in the Guinea savannah agro-ecological zone of Nigeria, to study the effects of a synthetic organic nitrogen fertilizer (Urea) and poultry manure (Pm-a natural organic nitrogen source) and their time of application on growth and yield of maize (Zea mays L.). The response of maize to the two sources of nitrogen varied significantly with time of application. Urea applied at 4 and 6 weeks after planting (wap) gave the best crop performance while poultry manure applied between planting and 4 wap recorded better crop performance than the other times of application. Maize growth and grain yield were consistently better in poultry manure and urea-treated plants than in the no-fertilizer control treatment at p<0.05. Poultry manure compared favorably with urea in promoting crop growth and yield when applied between planting and 4 wap. This suggested that Pm could be used to raise crops of maize on marginal soils that would not normally support maize production without nitrogen fertilizers.

Keywords: Natural, Synthetic-Organic-Nitrogen-Fertilizer, Maize.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1596-5511
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