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The War Trauma and Mental Health Challenges for South Sudanese Men in the Diaspora

Akuch Kuol Anyieth


Untreated trauma has long-term consequences on people affected by traumatic experiences such as war and displacement. South Sudan is a country affected by a long civil war that left many people affected by trauma and mental health. The impact of trauma and mental health is an unresearched area within the South Sudanese population. This study examined the existing literature about the trauma and mental health issues of the South Sudanese men living in the diaspora. The consequences of post-traumatic stress disorder are very visible among individuals and families of the South Sudanese people living in the diaspora. The hostilities of the civil war did not stop the moment South Sudanese veterans ceased fire and fled their home country; the trauma and painful experiences lived beyond the final days of fighting. As a result of civil war, many families and individuals were displaced to refugee camps, and some migrated to Western countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United States, the United Kingdom and others. These families and individuals are still in the settlement phase in Western countries. During the settlement period, research, healthcare, social services and community conversations centre on settlement challenges and visible challenges and struggles, such as socio-economic, employment, language barriers and support, while little attention is given to the invisible effects of war-related trauma, especially among men.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2788-8169
print ISSN: 2218-4899