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A new book on internal and international displacement

Andrea Pacheco Pacifico


The current crisis migration1 has been under debate for years, for instance, discussions on Convention Plus and migration nexus with development, security, and environment. Hence, the 1951 International Refugee Regime (IRR) also needs change, particularly due to some regional peculiarities that lead to limitations to protect those in need. The Latin American Refugee Regime (LARR), created by the 1984 Cartagena Declaration on Refugees (CD), has been an example of how local needs may adjust the IRR to protect refugees and other migrants and to find local solutions for them. Hence, for Hathaway (p. XV), “regionalism is the future of refugee protection” and Good Practices to be replicated. Jubilut, Vera Espinoza, and Mezzanotti (p. 1-31), outstanding leading scholars and practitioners in the field, have edited this book to fill out a gap of knowledge on the LARR and to disseminate its Good Practices. Firstly, it addresses the logics behind its creation, that is, the history of Latin American multiracial population and its regional refugee law and protection, through periods of politicisation and securitisation of the issue in some states.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1920-5813
print ISSN: 1920-5805