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Dracunculiasis In Relation To Eradication Activities In Some Rural Communities In Nigeria.

OA Morenikeji
AB Odaibo


An epidemiological assessment of the guinea worm infection in three villages in Oyo State, Nigeria was carried out between November 1993 and December 1996 at the peak of eradication activities in the country. A total of 279 people were interviewed and examined and the overall incidence was 14.0%. There was no significant difference between overall incidence in males(14.0%) and that in females (14.0%) . However, the incidence in females aged 61 – 70+ years(45.5%) was significantly higher than that of males of the same age group (4.2%). The highest incidence(37.0%) was recorded among males in the 41-50 year age group while in the females the highest incidence was in the 61-70+ year age group(45.5%).The ages of those infected with guinea worm ranged between 2 - 70+ years and 97.4% of persons infected had lesions on the lower limbs. All those interviewed had only one worm emerging at any one time. 79% of those infected were incapacitated while 53.5% of villagers with unbroken guinea worm characteristic blisters were also incapacitated. Majority(48.7%) of those infected were farmers while 39.7% were school children. Although number of guinea worm cases decreased due to eradication activities, the epidemiological profile of the disease in the human population at the peak of eradication activities in the study area was not much different from that observed in earlier studies when measures were not in place.

Keywords: Dracunculiasis, Incidence, Eradication

Journal of Medicine in the Tropics Vol. 9 (2) 2007 pp. 11-20

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2276-7096