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Comparative proximate, inorganic and phytochemical analysis of Ocimum canum (Curry leaf) and Ocimum gratissimum (Scent leaf)

Rachel Nimenibo-Uadia
Chukwuka Ajumuka
Stanley Omoregbee


The nutritional potentials of the leaves of Ocimum canum (curry leaf) and Ocimum gratissimum (scent leaf) (Family: Lamiaceae) were assessed by estimating proximate, inorganic and phytochemical compositions. Moisture content of O. canum (64.0 g%) was almost twice that of O. gratissimum (35.0 g%) while crude protein (17.31 g% and 15.80g%) and lipid (4.0 g% and 3.75 g%) respectively were close in value. Other results were: ash (4.65 g% and 12.5g%), crude fibre (2.50 g% and 31.50 g%) and carbohydrate (10.04 g% and 1.45 g%) for O. canum and O. gratissimum respectively. Mineral analysis revealed O. gratissimum having much higher mineral content and this order in concentration: Fe >Cu > Mn > Zn > K > Na > P > Ca > Mg. For O. canum it was: P > Mg > Ca > K > Na > Zn > Mn > Fe > Cu. O. gratissimum is thus, a very good source of iron (75.0%) and copper (20.6%) as well as protein and fibre. Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids and saponins in both leaves. Cardiac glycosides and anthraquinones found present in O. gratissimun were not detected in O. canum. Overall, O. gratissimum is rated above O. canum because it has higher quantities of the essential nutritive factors and bioactive molecules

Keywords:  Ocimum gratissimum, Ocimum canum, proximate, inorganic, phytochemical, composition

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0189-8442