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Phytotherapeutic potentials and biochemical study of Nypa fructicans (Wurmb)

Chukwuma SI Odoemena
Benjamin AJ Ekpo


The phytochemical evaluation in order to elucidate the phytotherapeutic potentials of Nypa fructicans (Nypa palm) using ethanolic extracts of the leaf, stem, root and fruit revealed the presence of tannins, flavonoids, saponins, terpenes, anthraquinones, alkaloids, cardiac and cyanogenic glycosides in each of the plants component part. The individual proximate composition contents of the respective plant parts are low except in carbohydrate and calorific values, while the mineral elements concentrations were high and significant (P < 0.01) in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, nitrogen, iron and magnesium. The anti-nutritive toxic compounds showed that the hydrocyanide and soluble oxalate contents are significantly (P > 0.01) lower than those of the phytic acid and tannins. The mean toxicant level of the leaf (73.77 ± 1.2/100mg) which makes it unacceptable as a ruminant feed is higher than those of the stem (53.11 ± 1.03mg/100g), root (45.56, 0.9mg/100g) and the fruit (54. 48 ± 0.92mg/100g). The results of this study call for further research study on the pharmacological potentials of the plant.

Journal of Pharmacy & Bioresources Vol. 2(2) 2005: 89-92

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eISSN: 0189-8442