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In vitro evaluation of the effect of Corchorus olitorius (Tiliaceae) on isolated mouse uterus

Enitome E Bafor
Mercy Eniye
Buniyamin A Ayinde
Zuleikha AM Nworgu


This study investigates the in vitro activity of the aqueous leaf extract of Corchorus olitorius (Tiliaceae) on the isolated mouse uterus. This plant was examined based on its traditional use in arresting miscarriage  in Nigeria and also in order to document its potential usefulness in the therapy of uterine related   pathologies. The aqueous leaf extract was tested on the isolated uterus of mice previously primed with diethylstilboestrol (0.2 mg/kg) 24 h prior to the experiment. The effect of the extract (0.003 – 3.0 mg/ml) and salbutamol (0.41 – 411.0 ng/ml) on spontaneous uterine contractility, in the presence and absence of oxytocin (0.004 IU/ml) and in the presence of high KCl (60 mM) were examined. The effect of the extract on CaCl2-induced contraction in Ca2+ -free medium was additionally examined. All data obtained were  analysed using one way ANOVA with post-hoc test for linear trend. It was observed that the extract  significantly inhibited spontaneous and oxytocin-induced uterine contractions (p < 0.05) at lower   concentrations while higher concentrations augmented contractions. Salbutamol, the reference drug,  inhibited spontaneous and oxytocin-induced uterine contractions at all concentrations used. The extract  had no significant effect on high KCl-induced contractions, however lower concentrations inhibited CaCl2-induced uterine contractions (in Ca2+-free medium) (p < 0.05) while higher concentrations appeared to  augment contractions. The leaf extracts of C. olitorius inhibits uterine contractions of the isolated mouse uterus at lower concentrations while higher concentrations stimulates and augments uterine  contractility.

Keywords: Oxytocin; Calcium; Salbutamol; In vitro uterine activity; Corchorus olitorius; Uterus

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0189-8442