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Anticonvulsant and sedative effects of ethanol whole plant extract of Viscum album in mice

Samuel Y. Timothy
Tola A.S. Midala
Abubakar S. Moh’d
Ralph I. Elon
Hamza H. Milagawanda


Epilepsy is one of the world’s oldest recognized conditions. Fear, discrimination and social stigma have surrounded epilepsy for centuries. Various drug treatments available are not readily accessible, affordable and may have associated side effects. This research focuses on the anticonvulsant and sedative effects of ethanol whole plant extract of Viscum album L in mice commonly used in herbal medicine to treat insomnia and convulsion. The fresh whole plant extract of Viscum album collected was air-dried for one week in the herbarium away from sunlight, and then grounded into powder form using a clean pestle and mortar. About 300 g of the powdered sample were extracted using 95% ethanol. Phytochemical screening and acute toxicity study was carried out using standard
method. The extract was evaluated for anticonvulsant activity in pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) induced convulsion and sedative effect in pentobarbital induced sleeping time in mice. The phytochemical screening of the plant extract of Viscum album revealed the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, glycosides, flavonoids, saponins, triterpenes and tannins. However, Dragendorffʼs test for alkaloid gave a negative result. The LD50 obtained was greater than 2900mg/kg intraperitoneally in mice. The plant extract of Viscum album produced a dose dependent inhibition of PTZ induced convulsion and death. The extract significantly (p<0.05) delay onset and prolong duration of sleep in pentobarbital induced sleep. The plant extract of Viscum album was found to contain phytochemical constituents that may be responsible for its anticonvulsant and sedative activity, justifying the traditional use in the treatment of convulsions and insomnia.

Keywords: Viscum album; Pentylenetetrazole; Anticonvulsant; Sedative

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0189-8442