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Study on the influence of selected organic manures on the early growth of Senna fistula Linn

O.O. Awotoye


The study assessed the manuring potentials of Chromolaena odorata and composted kitchen waste on the growth of Senna fistula seedlings. Germination was observed and assessment of growth parameters commenced two weeks after transplanting and was done weekly for 12 weeks. Seedling height, stem diameter, leaf production and leaf area were measured. Data were analyzed using ANOVA at α0.05. Results showed that T8 (80g of composted kitchen waste + 1.5 kg of top soil) had the highest performance in terms of plant height with 8.08 cm while T4 (80g of Chromolaena odorata leaf powder + 1.5 kg of top soil) had the best performance with mean value 1.44 mm for stem diameter. The highest leaf production was observed on seedlings raised on T8 (80 g of composted kitchen waste + 1.5kg of top soil) with 17.00. However, for leaf area, T8 (80g of composted kitchen waste + 1.5kg of top soil) had the best performance with mean value of 8.00 cm2. The organic manure used for the study had an excellent performance on the growth of Senna fistula seedlings. It is therefore, recommended that composted kitchen waste and Chromoleana odorata leaf powder be adopted for raising seedlings of Senna fistula at the nursery stage.

Keywords: Chromoleana odorata, Compost, Growth, Manure, Seedlings, Senna fistula

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2141-1778