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Quality of Chin-Chin from Blends of Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranean (L) Verdc.) and Pro-Vitamin A Fortified Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas (L) Lam)

A.A. Obomeghei
P.A. Ebabhamiegbebho
A.O. Olorunda
A.A. Olapade


The quality attributes of chin-chin from blends of Orange Flesh Sweet Potato (OFSP) and Red Bambara groundnut (RBG) were investigated. The OFSP and Red Bambara groundnut (RBG) were processed into flours. The OFSP and RBG flours were blended in ratios 60:40, 50:50, 40:60, and 30:70 (OFSP:RBG). The flour blends were used to prepare chin-chin. Chin-chin prepared from 100% wheat flour served as control. The raw OFSP, RBG and chin-chin were analyzed for chemical composition. The chin-chin samples were analyzed for sensory characteristics using standard methods. The OFSP flour contained 2.85±0.02% crude protein and 6.26±0.13mg/100g total β-carotene while RBG flour had 21.63±0.56% crude protein and 1.75±0.04 mg/100g total β-carotene. The crude protein contents of flour
blends ranged from 12.95±0.05 to 16.87±0.02% while the total β-carotene ranged from 2.22±0.05 mg/100g to 6.20±0.09 mg/100g. The crude protein contents of the chin-chin from flour blends ranged between 10.71% and 13.78%.The total β-carotene ranged between 0.85±0.6 mg/100g and 5.27 mg/100g. The chin-chin containing 40 and 69 % RBG were not significantly different from the 100% wheat chin-chin in all the sensory attributes studied.

Keywords: Sweet potato, bambara, high-protein, vitamin A, chin-chin

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0189-7241