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Effect of Neem Extracts (Azadirachta indica) on Bacteria Isolated from Adult Mouth

MB Yerima
SM Jodi
K Oyinbo
HM Maishanu
AA Farouq
AU Junaidu
MN Al-Mustapha
AL Shinkafi


The antibacterial activity of the bark, Leaf, Seed and fruit extracts of Azadirachta indica (neem) on bacteria isolated from adult mouth was carried out using agar- well diffusion method. The test bacteria were isolated from patients attending Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto. The bark and leaf extracts showed antibacterial activity against all the test bacteria used. The zone of inhibition increased with increase in concentrations of the extracts. The seed and fruit extracts showed antibacterial activity only at higher concentrations. The results, therefore, confirm the traditional use of neem in maintaining oral hygiene.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2756-4843