We report the first case of a heterotopic pregnancy (HP) following ovulation induction and intrauterine insemination (IUI) with resultant normal intrauterine pregnancy after salpingectomy. A 41‑year‑old para 0+0 that presented with primary infertility due to azoospermia and polycystic ovaries after laparoscopic evaluation. She had induction of ovulation with Clomiphene citrate, gonadotropin stimulation (hCG), and intrauterine insemination using donor sperm. The resulting pregnancy was later diagnosed as heterotopic pregnancy following rupture of the tubal component at 8 weeks’ gestation after an initial misdiagnosis as corpus luteum cyst of pregnancy. She had an emergency laparotomy and left salpingectomy, and the intrauterine pregnancy has continued subsequently to 25 weeks of gestation as at 01/04/2011. This report demonstrates that HP may occur after ovulation induction and IUI. The ectopic component could be misdiagnosed as corpus luteum cyst. It is recommended that pregnancies following this procedure be followed up with serial trans‑vaginal ultrasound in the first trimester. Presence of corpus luteum cyst of pregnancy in early ultrasound should be an index of suspicious of a possible heterotopic pregnancy. Early diagnosis and prompt intervention is essential to salvage the intrauterine pregnancy and avoid maternal morbidity and mortality.