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Sickle Cell Disease with Hearing Defect and Retinitis Pigmentosa

Stanley Bulus Sano


A middle‑aged homemaker, known sickle cell anaemia patient presented with complaints of reduced vision and night blindness since childhood along with recent‑onset hearing impairment in both ears. Anterior segment findings revealed lens opacities more in the left eye, whereas fundus findings showed widespread bone spicule pigmentation in both eyes. Pure‑tone audiometry indicated bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. With improvement in visual acuity after refraction, the corrective spectacle was prescribed along with a hearing aid. She presently maintains a follow‑up appointment with the sickle cell, ophthalmology, and ear, nose, and throat clinics for a routine checkup. She has improved in her general health and has been crisis‑free since the presentation.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2667-0526
print ISSN: 1115-2613