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J. Steer
S. R. Benatar
D. P. van Velden
G. Mitchell
L. Schlebusch
J. P. de V. van Niekerk
O. A. M. Lewis


Concise ear, nose and throat booklet instructs with questions and answers
Ear, Nose and Throat Disease. Ed. by K. P. Gibbin and P. Bradly. Pp. 156. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 1989.

Political psychology The Psychology of Politics. 2nd ed. Ed. by William F. Stone and Paul E. Schaffner. Pp. xi + 331. DM 64. Berlin: SpringerVerlag. 1988.

Gesinsgids vir gesondheid
Bly Fiks en Gesond: 'n Gesinsgids tot 'n Gesonde Lewe. Ed. deur Gordon Jackson. Pp. 77. Gei1lustreer. Kaapstad: Tafelberg. 1989.

Human physiology
HUDlan Physiology. 2nd ed. Ed. by R. F. Schmidt and G. Thews, transl. from German, by M. A. Biederman-Thorson. Pp. 825. Illustrated. DM 128. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. 1989.

Human behaviour
HUDlan Behaviour. Ed. by E. Nash, B. Stoch and G. Harper. Pp. viii +621. R69. (excl. GST). Kenwyn: Juta. 1990.

UCT Medical School's 75th 
VCT Medical School at 75. Ed. by R. Kirsch and C. Knox. Pp. 356. Illustrated. Cape Town: Department of Medicine, UCT. 1987.

Nitrate assimilation
Molecular and Genetic Aspects of Nitrate Assimilation. Ed. by John L. Wray and James R. Kinghorn. Pp. xv - 410. Illustrated. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1989.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2078-5135
print ISSN: 0256-9574