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Major limb amputations in El Obeid Hospital, Western Sudan

EBA Doumi
A J Ali


Objectives: To study the causes and pattern of major limb amputations in El Obeid Hospital, Western Sudan.
Patients and methods: The records of 50 major limb amputations performed in patients admitted to the University Surgical Unit at El Obeid Teaching Hospital, Western Sudan in two years were retrospectively studied.
Results: 72% of the victims were males. The mean age was 51 years ± SD 34.5. 36% of the amputations were emergency procedures. Sepsis, trauma and vascular causes accounted for 40%, 32% and 16% respectively. The upper limb amputations were due to crushed missile injuries, lacerated wounds of animal bites and gangrenous limbs after post-fracture tight splintage by traditional bone setters.
Conclusions: The study showed that 96% of the causes were potentially preventable, and that establishment of a Prothetic-Orthotic Centre is needed in this part of the country.

Keywords: Limb amputations

Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences Vol. 2 (4) 2007: pp. 237-240

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1858-5051
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