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Comparative effect of inducing broodstock with natural and artificial hormones on reproductive performances of Heterobranchus longifilis

A.J. Otoh
M.T. Udo
U.U. George


This study was conducted to assess the effects of ovaprim and pituitary extract on the reproductive performances of Heterobranchus longifilis (African  catfish). A total of twenty broodstock, 12 males and 8 females with mean weight of 2 kg each were selected for breeding following the external  morphological characteristics and standard breeding procedure. The water parameters for indoor culture tanks during the study were optimal for  breeding: dissolved oxygen – 5.18 mg L-1 ; pH 7.31; temperature, 27.6 ˚C. The result revealed no significant (P > 0.05) differences in water quality  parameters between the culture tanks for artificial and natural hormonal applications in this study. The percentage fertilization, hatchability, survival and  fry production success were: 84.25 %, 92. 31 %, 88.14 % and 68.42 %; and 75.17 %, 69.57 %, 64.33 % and 33.66 %, respectively, for pituitary extract and  Ovaprim®. Pituitary extract recorded higher values and significantly performed better (P < 0.05) between the two treatments. This indicates that the use  of natural pituitary extract is equally as effective as the use of the artificial hormone Ovaprim® for the artificial propagation of Heterobranchus longifilis.  It is therefore recommended. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0795-0101