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Protection against generalised seizured by Dalbergia saxatilis (Hook, F.) in the pentylenetetrazole and electroconvulsive models

O K Yemitan
O O Adeyemi


The aqueous root decoction of Dalbergia saxatilis (DS) is used to manage convulsive disorders in African herbal medicine practice. We had previously reported the anticonvulsant effects of the aqueous root extract of DS against strychnine and picrotoxin seizures. In this study, DS was tested against pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) seizures, and electrically- induced threshold tonic extension (TTE) and kindling seizures in mice. In the PTZ model, DS (50-200 mg/kg) was administered orally to groups of mice, 30 min. before 75 mg/kg PTZ and onset to seizures noted. In the TTE test, foot shock was delivered through an electrode before treatment and 1h post- treatment. Electrical kindling was produced twice daily at 48h interval in groups of mice. Onset to tonic hind-limb extension (THE) was determined, in the kindling experiment. DS produced a dose-dependent protection against PTZ and elevated the TTE. In the electrical kindling, DS retarded the development and progression of THE, but did not produce a significant delay to THE in kindled mice.
These results indicate that DS might provide protection against generalized absence and partial seizures, which further justifies its use in the management of epilepsies and convulsions in traditional African medicine.

Keywords: Dalbergia saxatilis, generalized seizure, pentylenetetrazole, kindling, electro- foot shock.

West African Joural of Pharmacology and Drug Research Vol. 21 (1&2) 2005: pp. 43-47

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0303-691X