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A new distribution record of Chambardia wahlbergi (Krauss, 1848) (Bivalvia: Iridinidae) and Unio caffer (Krauss, 1848) (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in South Africa

KN de Kock
CT Wolmarans
JH Erasmus
E Lubbe
HM Strauss
GL van Niekerk


Little is known with regard to the conservation status of invertebrates of South Africa; however, in the revised edition of the IUCN Red Data List (2011) the conservation status of both Unio caffer and Chambardia wahlbergi is considered as ‘of least concern’. In recent reports on the geographical distribution and habitat preferences of these two species in South Africa, concern was expressed regarding their conservation status. However, specimens of C. wahlbergi collected at several sites on several occasions in the Vaal River were the first evidence that the geographical distribution of this bivalve was wider and not restricted to water bodies located in east-flowing catchments in the warmer areas of South Africa. The fact that populations of C. wahlbergi can become established in habitats on the Highveld was further supported by a number of valves collected on the dry bed of the Schoonspruit (26° 37’ 55.2”S, 26° 35’ 32.3”E), near Klerksdorp in the North West Province, on 16 February 2016. A number of valves of U. caffer which were collected on the same occasion at the same locality are also the first record of this species from this water body.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1816-7950
print ISSN: 0378-4738