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Genotype x environment interaction and stability analysis for yield and yield related traits of Kabuli-type Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in Ethiopia

T Getachew
M Firew
F Asnake
E Million


Chickpea is the major pulse crop cultivated in Ethiopia. However, its production is constrained due to genotype instability and environmental variability. This research was carried out to examine the magnitude of environmental effect on yield of chickpea genotypes and to investigate the stability and adaptability of genotypes under different agro-ecologies. Seventeen (17) genotypes were evaluated in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications in five locations. Various stability indices were used to assess stability and genotype by environment performances. Combined analysis of variance (ANOVA) for yield and yield components revealed highly significant (P≤0.01) differences for genotypes, environments and their interaction. The significant interaction showed genotypes respond differently across environments. At Akaki, Chefe Donsa, Debre Zeit, Dembia and Haramaya, top performing genotype were DZ-2012-CK-0001 (2933 kg/ha), Arerti (3219 kg/ha), Arerti (3560 kg/ha) DZ-2012-CK-0013 (2675 kg/ha) and Arerti (2019 kg/ha), respectively. The first two PCs explained 74.45% of the variance. Based on ASV value, DZ-2012-CK-0002 were most stable genotypes. As per AMMI biplot, Arerti and DZ-10-4 were most widely adapted genotypes. Dembia and Haramaya were most discriminative environments for genotypes. Debre Zeit and Chefe Donsa were favorable environment for genotype. Genotypes DZ-2012-CK-0004, DZ-2012-CK-0010, DZ-2012-CK-0013, DZ-2012-CK-0007 and DZ-10-4 are recommendable to Akaki, Chefe Donsa, Debre Zeit, Dembia and Haramya, respectively.

Keywords: AMMI, ASV, clustering, phenologic traits, Kabuli, univariate statistics.

Abbreviation: E, Environments; G, genotypes; RCBD, randomized complete block design. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1684-5315