Annales Africaines de Médecine is a quarterly journal committed to publishing original research and review papers, clinical case reports and commentaries on all aspects of the biomedical sciences. The wide range of topics covered by the Annales Africaines de Médecine ensures a broad readership that includes academic personnel, physicians, paramedical personnel, medical and sciences students. The journal prioritizes papers related to clinical and basic research studies specific but not exclusive to the African countries. Papers are edited, peer-reviewed and accepted for publication on the basis of the scientific excellence of their content.

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Published: 2024-04-06

Mortalité à long terme des survivants d'accidents vasculaires cérébraux ischémiques à Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

Long-Term Mortality of Ischaemic Stroke Survivors in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

Pingdéwendé Victor Ouédraogo, Alassane Dravé, Wendlamita Julie Marie Adéline Kyélem, Madina Koanda, Jeoffray Diendéré, Abdoul Aziz Savadogo, Christian Napon, Athanase Millogo


Histopathological profile of small bowel cancers in the City of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, from March 2011 to March 2023

Profil histopathologique des cancers de l’intestin grêle dans la ville de Kinshasa, République démocratique du congo, de mars 2011 à mars 2023

Serge Diwulu Pezo, Jean Louis Katembo Mumbere, Gerard Nyuki Kingebeni, Serge Katya Mpwate, Vincent Kwi Mbatu, Teddy Lwambwa Mukendi, Fabrice Lolangwa Bokambandja, Olive Mikuo Kisile, Bienvenu Massamba Lebwaze


Prise en charge des lésions précancéreuses du col utérin selon l’approche « Dépister traiter » dans la ville de Parakou, Bénin

Management of precancerous cervical lesions according to the “Screening and Treatment” approach in the city of Parakou, Benin

Raoul Sèdjro Atade, Imorou Rachidi Sidi, Patrice Dangbemey, Mahoublo Vinadou Vodouhe, Raphaël Fonhan, Aassana Soumanou, Luc Valère Brun, Benjamin Ignace Bodounrin Hounkpatin, Kabibou Salifou, Réné Xaxier Perrin



Guy Nyuki Kingebeni


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eISSN: 2313-3589
print ISSN: 2309-5784