Manuscripts should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. med. P. O. Abiodun Annals of Biomedical Sciences Department of Child Health University of Benin Teaching Hospital P. M. B. 1111 Benin City, NIGERIA. E-mail: Authors should follow accepted English usage and be consistent in the use of either first or third person. The past tense of verbs should be used when narrating the procedures, observations etc of the work being reported and the present tense for statement of conclusions, generally accepted facts and for discussion of results Scientific names of micro organism must be printed in italic script. Papers should conform to the uniform Vancouver style of presentation and should be typewritten, in double spacing throughout (including figure and table legends and literature references), on one side of A4 paper with a margin of 40mm all round. The full title of the paper should be concise. Keywords and abbreviated running title must be supplied. The text will generally proceed through sections of Summary, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. Photographs should be glossy black and white prints. References should be in the order made in the text and numbered accordingly. These numbers should be inserted as superscript on each occasion a reference is cited (… documented by others.8) Numbered references should appear at the end of the article and should consist of the surnames and initials of all authors when six or less, when seven or more, list first three and add et al, title of article, name of journal abbreviated according to index medicus style, year, volume, first and last page numbers. Manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate and sent with a copy on a floppy diskette written with latest windows words. Copyright Submission of any item for possible publication implies that the material has not been published and is not under simultaneous consideration, elsewhere. A statement to this effect signed by all the named authors of the articles must be included with the covering letter and indicating the name and postal address for correspondence. Authorship All authors of a manuscript are responsible for the entire contents of their manuscript and all named authors of a multi-author paper must have participated directly in the planning, execution or analysis of the work report or in writing the paper. References Reference citation numbers must not be enclosed in brackets. Literature references (which should be restricted to those strictly necessary to the point being made) should follow the style adopted in use in Index medicus. Authors’ names should not be typed in capital letters. Examples of the style to be used are shown below. In text It has been demonstrated1 that the work of Philip2 and Michael was based upon accurate sample preparation In references: 1. Gabriel E. Measurement of blood glucose. J. Clin Chem 1986; 5: 26 - 9 2. Phillip F M, Michael NE. In: Enzyme Assay (3rd Edn). Vol. 2 London: Interprint, 1980; 232 – 5. Authors are responsible for checking the accuracy of all references, and that all references in the text agree with those in the list of references. Authors must comply with “Instructions to authors” which is published in each issue of the journal. TYPES OF CONTRIBUTION The following categories of articles are published. Authors should indicate into which of listed categories their submission is intended for. Original articles These are reports of original research of major developments in the Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences. The paper should contain the following: Abstract – Not more than 250 words single paragraph briefly (objective & methodology) as well as outlining the purpose of the study and the conclusions. It must be complete and understandable without references to the text. Keywords – about 6 words Introduction – stating the reason(s) for the investigation and giving any (brief) historical background. Materials and Methods – giving sufficient details to enable others repeat the work, if desired. Results - presented in form of text, or tables or graphs etc. Result should be selective not comprehensive Discussion – a critical review of the results, highlighting any discrepancies and assessing the value of the investigation. References – sufficient to substantiate any claims or statements made in the text and including full names and addresses of (i) any manufacturers or suppliers referred to and (ii) the source of any “personal communication” Table/Figure – Table should be in Roman, while figure in Arabic and be on a separate page of its own Review articles A review article is an up – to – date, comprehensive and essentially critical – exposition of existing knowledge in a defined subject area. It is preceeded by an “Abstract” of not more than 150 words, and is made up of sections with sub-headings appropriate to the subject matter, supported by extensive references. Authors contemplating a paper of more than 5000 words (excluding references) should consult the editor. Short Communications These are generally reports of unique clinical experiences, new or modified techniques, procedures, reagents or apparatus of investigations or observations which would not be appropriate for a full length paper. A short communication should not exceed 3, 000 words and may include necessary references and a few tables and /or illustrations. The article should be preceded by an ‘Abstract’ of not more than 150 words and should not be divided into sections with sub-headings but should consist of continuous prose in paragraphs. Letters to the Editor –in-Chief Letters for publication may be 1) brief reports of new or important observations that do not merit a fuller report or which will be followed by one later. 2) Comment, criticism or supplementary information relating to any item already published in the Annals of Biomedical Sciences. Criticism must always be objective and supported by experimental or other evidence. Personal criticism of an author or of his work is not allowed. Letters intended for publication are subject to the usual process of peer review. Any letter accepted for publication and which offers comments upon any item which has been published in the journal will be shown to the author of the original item, who will be invited to offer a reply for Publication in the same issue. Letters should not exceed 400 words. Ethical Approval Authors should provide a statement in the manuscript that ethical approval was obtained from the appropriate bodies in the country where the research was conducted. The journal will reject illustrations or photographs which allow the recognition or identification of a patient or subject unless a written permission for the publication given by the patient or subject is submitted with manuscript.

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eISSN: 1596-6569
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