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Resource use efficiency in cotton production among small scale farmers of Katsina state, Nigeria

JF Alamu
H Ibrahim


lhl' paper assesse_d the resource use: i.'.fficie1ic.:v in c.·ot10.n production among small-scale farmers in Katsina S1alc'. The primary daia used for the investigation were obtained using an interview schedule. Simple descri/Jfive s1u1is1ic.1. _f(1r111 'hu?igeling technique and produc:lionJimction analysis were 11sedjor the ana(vsis. /he gross margin per het'fare 1rn.1· N 11. 546.85. This shows that cof/on production is profitable. The double-log production .fimction anazvsis shm1·ed that all inputs used h_1• the Jcrrmers were nut ej/icient/y uUf ized. This means that yield and fJf'<!fil could be increased Based on the.findings. 1he paper recommends 1hat.farrn inputs such mfei·tilizer and agrochemirnl should he supplied 011 time and at l~/j(Jrdahle 1irices to avoid.their under utilization on the farm.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1117-9996