Prevalence data indicates that certain sectors within the private sector are particularly affected by HIV/AIDS. Companies in southern Africa began implementing treatment programmes in early 2002 as the corporate sector came to realise the financial imperative of offsetting employee morbidity and mortality. This article sets about to explain the rationale behind antiretroviral treatment (ART) programmes within the private sector while uncovering some of the obstacles businesses face when treating HIV-infected employees. Data suggest that in many cases employees' uptake of voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) and ART are slow. At this early stage of workplace treatment provision, data indicate that employers must seek ways to increase uptake of VCT and treatment in an attempt to make programmes more cost-effective.
Keywords: Africa, ARVs, cost-effectiveness, HIV/AIDS, private sector, programme planning and management, VCT
African Journal of AIDS Research 2006, 5(2): 179–188