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The phytoremediation of crude oil-polluted aquatic environment by water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes [Mart.] Solms)

PE Ndimele
A Jenyo-Oni
IA Ayodele
AA Jimoh


A phytoremediation experiment was carried out in the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Management, University of Ibadan, Nigeria to examine the ability of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) to detoxify crude oil-polluted aquatic environments. There were fifteen (15) experimental units; twelve (12) had water hyacinth grown in them while three (3) had no water hyacinth. 100g of water hyacinth per litre of water were separately grown in 20mgl-1, 40mgl-1, 60mgl-1 and 0mgl-1 (Control A) crude oil. Another three (3) experimental units were seeded with 40mgl-1 of crude oil but no water hyacinth (Control B). The quantities of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) absorbed by water hyacinth in treatments seeded with crude oil (20mgl-1, 40mgl-1 and 60mgl-1) was significantly (p<0.05) higher than the quantity of TPH recorded in treatment containing water hyacinth but no crude oil (Control A). The quantity of crude oil (TPH) absorbed by water hyacinth was directly proportional to the concentration of crude oil in the treatment. The results show that the water hyacinth can absorb crude oil and can be a remedial option in the mitigation of crude oil pollution in aquatic ecosystems.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1596-4019