FARMHOUSE Ciência & Tecnologia

 Open Access

FARMHOUSE Ciência & Tecnologia
Multidisciplinary journal of the Higher Polytechnic Institute of Science and Technology (INSUTEC). Its objectives are to show the advancement of current scientific trends and to encourage the exchange of experiences between researchers from different scientific communities.
The journal is published biannually with a broad spectrum that covers the Social Sciences and Humanities, the Exact Sciences and Engineering, and the Medical Sciences. His publications are made in three languages, namely Portuguese, English and Spanish.

"FARMHOUSE Science & Technology" primarily publishes original articles, reviews, academic essays, and book reviews.

The contribution must be original and unpublished, and cannot have been published or be exhibited by another journal.

Aims and Scope
Its objectives are to show the advancement of current scientific trends and to encourage the exchange of experiences between researchers from different scientific communities.

The journal has a multidisciplinary focus, with a broad spectrum that covers the Social Sciences and Humanities, the Exact Sciences and Engineering, and the Medical Sciences.

You can view this journal's website here.


Revista Academicus: Revista multidisciplinar

 Open Access

Revista Academicus: Revista multidisciplinar
The Academicus Magazine (ISSN / ISSN-L: 3005-3633) is an online multidisciplinary magazine with double-blind review that makes its content available free of charge in Open Access format, with the aim of providing its target audience with greater global democratization of knowledge.
The magazine encourages scientific production in all areas of knowledge in its most varied aspects in accordance with national and international standards aimed at various intellectual and educational activities.

You can see this journal's website here.


Revista Angolana de Ciências

 Open Access

Revista Angolana de Ciências
Focus and Scope
The Revista Angolana de Ciências began as a property of the Multidisciplinary Association for Scientific Research , Angola, today, as a result of a cooperation protocol signed between the Association and the Universidade Rainha Njinga a Mbande , has become a cooperative journal between the two institutions. This journal is refereed and multidisciplinary in nature; is intended for the dissemination of unpublished scientific research results (scientific articles, essays, experience reports, scientific notes, technical notes and unpublished bibliographic reviews), covering the areas of Education, Social Sciences, Health Sciences, Humanities, Engineering and others. The objective of this magazine is to stimulate reflection and scientific debate at the level of the province of Huambo, Angola and abroad. Revista Angolana de Ciências at first published every six months, in the months of June (January-June) and December (July-December). As of January 2022, it will opt for the continuous flow publication mode. This journal uses the OAI-PMH data providerRAC  has published unpublished works since 2019, in Portuguese, Spanish and English and is maintained with its own funds resulting from the quota of members of the Multidisciplinary Association for Scientific Research, and Queen Njinga University of Mbande, publishing institutions.


Revista Angolana de Ciências da Saúde

Revista Angolana de Ciências da Saúde
The ANGOLAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCES / REVISTA ANGOLANA DE CIÊNCIAS DA SAÚDE, under ISSNs (Online: 2789-2832 and Print: 2789-2824), also represented by the acronym RACSaúde, whose abbreviation is Rev. Ang. de Ciênc. da Saúde / Ang. Journ. of Health Scienc., is a peer-reviewed angolan research journal, edited by a Multidisciplinary Team of Health Professionals, Professors and National Researchers, aiming to attribute easy access to scientific production and give visibility to research of the highest quality (in Portuguese, English and eventually Spanish) help them to make better decisions in the exercise of their profession.
You can view the journal's website here.


SAPIENTIAE Revista de Ciências Sociais, Humanas e Enghenerias

 Open Access

SAPIENTIAE Revista de Ciências Sociais, Humanas e Enghenerias
SAPIENTIAE is a refereed biannual scientific journal of the Óscar Ribas University, committed to the development of Sciences, especially in the diffusion of knowledge generated through research lines and their respective programs and projects; (Especially related to: Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electromechanical Engineering, Law, International Relations, Psychology, Public Administration, Management and Marketing).
The scope of the areas is defined by the editorial committee in the revision of the theme to be addressed for each issue. SAPIENTIAE publishes articles, communications and book summaries.
You can view the journal's website here.


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