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Re-Enacting the Civil Service Core Values and Strategic Policy Approaches For Sustainable Restoration of the Values In Nigeria

Prof. F. O. Okpata


The paper ‘Re-enacting the Core values of the Nigerian Civil Service was aimed at identifying the causes of the erosion of the core-values and legacies of Nigerian civil service with a view to strategize approaches to re-enacting these values back into the system period The study employed ex-post- facto design and relied heavily on secondary source of data in its content analytical method, anchoring the model of analysis on the New Management theory. The study showed that lack of motivation, poor remuneration, lack of commitment to duty, poor condition of service resulting in lack of job satisfaction and conflict of relationship between the political class and the civil servants were the reasons for erosion of the Civil Service core values and legacies in system. The study therefore recommended, socio-economic improvement in the condition of service of the Nigerian civil servants, harmonize salary structure of the entire Nigerian workforce for relative balance in their take-home pay and cordial relationship between the political class and the public bureaucrats to reduce conflict and clash of interest.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2787-0359
print ISSN: 2787-0367