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Operatic adaptation of drama scripts: Femi Osofisan's A restless run of locusts at Unilorin 24th convocation play

SO Ikibe
TA Olalusi


This paper examines the process of adapting a drama script into an opera using an adapted work of a prominent playwright as focus with Hutcheon's theory of adaptation as our reference point. This paper uses the adapted work to analyze and judge the success of adaptation and also points out its short comings. In view of this, the paper pervades the process of conducting interviews, participatory observation method with the consultation of relevant books, journals, articles, thesis etc. We observed that the adaptation of the drama script was not totally based on the theories of adaptation which scholars such as Kneupper (1972), Zawidski (2000), Elvira (2003), Hutcheon (2006) and others have researched and developed and that previous adaptations by adapters have sacrificed some inherent dramatic moments for the music itself. The paper concludes and makes recommendations in order to correct some existing challenges for the betterment of the adaptation of drama scripts into operas in theatre schools and theatrical performances.

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2006-6910